Elements - Video

Add video to your Graphic Templates and control playback in Producer.

Adding a Video Element to a Graphic Template

Another type of basic element you can add to your graphic template is a "Video" element ["Text" element"Image" element, and "Shape" element have previously been discussed]. You can include video in your Graphic Template so you can add videos to playback b-roll, sponsor videos, animated backgrounds, and more! Clicking on the video element icon will create a new layer within your graphic template. Once you click to add the video element, it will open your media library within your builder. From here, you can use a file already uploaded or upload your own. Tagboard supports MP4 or WEBM file types. The file size limit is 100 MB. 

You would select the single video file you'd like to display within this new layer, then choose "use file" in the top right of the media library. It will populate in your graphic template builder. Selecting the video in your builder will make a new menu appear on the right sidebar where you can adjust the position, size, and many other attributes.Basic Graphic Template - Video

Size and Placement

  • Position: Everything on your canvas works with a drag-and-drop workflow, or in the upper right corner you can set an exact X and Y axis.

  • Freeform: Allows you to re-size video elements without having to maintain the aspect ratio

  • Snap To: Use this feature to snap your text to one of nine exact locations on the canvas (center, center-top, center-bottom, center-left, center-right, bottom-left, bottom-right, top-left, top-right)

  • Nudge: Click to move the text layer one pixel at a time, to get exact placement

You can hold shift + click on several layers to select multiple layers at once. If multiple layers are selected, you will see additional options in the right rail for size & placement:

  • Align: Align all selected layers (Left, Center, Right, Top, Middle, Bottom)

  • Distribute: You need to have at least three layers selected to use distribute. This will allow you to make the horizontal or vertical spacing between selected layers even. Best practice of this is to first align the layers, and then distribute the spacing. 

  • Nudge: Perfect your graphic placement by nudging the selected layers up, down, right or left, one pixel at a time.

Video Options

  • Autoplay: When checked the video will automatically play when the Graphic is taken live in Producer; when unchecked you will manually control play and pause

  • Loop: When checked the video will automatically play on loop if left Live in Producer; when unchecked the video will hold on the final frame

  • Start Muted: When checked audio will automatically be disabled when the Graphic is taken live in Producer; when unchecked audio will play in Producer

  • In/Out: Select the in and out points where you want the video to start and stop, in seconds (by default it will select the entire video length)

  • Play/Pause: Allows you to play and pause the video within the Graphics Template builder. You will see similar controls in Producer.

  • Unmute: Allows you to mute and unmute the video within the Graphics Template builder. You will see similar controls in Producer.


The settings here will carry over to Producer, but you will also be able to update these settings on the fly in Tagboard Producer. So don't worry, what you enter here isn't set in stone!

Style and Animation

  • Opacity: On a scale of 0-100% set the transparency of your video. 0% will be completely transparent, 100% will be completely solid

  • Border: Checking this box adds a border around your video. You can adjust the width (in pixels) of the border and color.

  • Shadow: checking this box will give your video a drop shadow. You can also adjust:

    • X: Adjust the shadow on the horizontal axis, left and right

    • Y: Adjust the shadow on the vertical axis, up and down

    • Blur: Adjust how harsh or feathered you want your shadow to be

    • Spread: Adjust the width of your shadow

    • Color: Set the color of your shadow

  • Blur: Gradually increase the number to increase the blur of your video

  • Animation: control animations for you video on & off screen

    • Animate In: Select from the dropdown menu how you want your video to animate onto the screen. The duration (set in milliseconds) determines how long your animation will last. The delay determines how long after selecting this graphic, the individual layer will begin to animate.

    • Easing will allow you to change the acceleration of the animation, to be smoother or more natural. select from the dropdown to make a smoother and more realistic animation. The two most common easing options are "ease in", meaning the animation will start slowly and accelerate, and "ease out", where the motion will start quickly and decelerate.

    • Animation Out: Select from the dropdown menu how you want your video to animate off the screen, followed by same customizable options as above.

    • Looping Animation: If you check this box you can set a layer of the graphic to continue animating a certain way while the graphic is displayed on screen.


Now that you're all set with the "Video" element, you can move on to the next element to add your graphic template. Next up is the "QR Code" element. If you're finished designing your graphic, you're ready to produce with your template(s).

Feel free to take a look at "Getting Started with Producer" if you're not already familiar. Please take a look at "Using Graphics with Video in Producer". Once you've read this article and are familiar with Producer, then you can head to Producer to begin building out your playlist in order to take your content live.