Producer 101

A cloud-based control room for producing your live programming with simple drag and drop workflows.

Tagboard Producer is a storytelling suite that gives you a cloud-based control room to build your rundown as well as edit your graphics, themes, and panels on the fly. Control every piece of content in real time. 

In this article, we'll discuss how to access Tagboard Producer, getting you comfortable with your production suite, how to build a rundown [playlist], and connecting to a live screen. Utilize the table of contents below to quickly navigate to a section.

Accessing Producer

You can access Producer from any Workspace within your Tagboard account. Select "Producer" from the mega menu.

Accessing Producer

Getting Familiar with the Producer Workspace

The Producer Workspace is where you will create a new production, find all productions, and navigate between teams [if on multiple teams]. You can also see which productions are live [via a green indicator light] , any team members in specific productions, enter productions to produce shows, and more. This section will help you become more familiar with the Producer Workspace.

Producer Workspace - Dashboard

When opening the Producer Workspace, below is a visual of what the landing page could look like [depending on your grid/list view layout]. This section is the dashboard. Here you can create a new production, delete a production, and more.Producer Workspace Dashboard 

Creating a New Production

Click "+ New Production" in the upper right corner. New Production


If you are on multiple teams, ensure you've selected the

correct team before creating a new production.

Title the production [must be between 4 and 60 characters]. You also have the options to

    • star your production [which will have it appear at the top of the list of productions]
    • add tags [easier to search when more productions are created]

New Production 2


Starring a Production

If a production was not starred when created, you can star a production on the far right side of the row/grid. This will pin a production to the top of your Producer Workspace to allow for quick access to frequently used productions.


Production Details

A single click on any production will open a details panel on the right side of your screen. Here you can see production details including

    • who is working in a production in real time [to allow for easy remote collaboration]
    • any outputs connected to the production
    • whether an output is live or not [a green light indicates it is in use on a connected screen]

Open the production towards the bottom right by clicking "Enter Production".Production Details


Deleting a Production

To delete a production, single click the production to open the production details panel [visual above]. Click the three dots in the upper right corner, and select "Delete".Delete A Production


Deleted Productions will be archived for 30 days before they are permanently deleted.


Renaming a Production

Within the production details, clicking the 3 horizontal dots on the far right will open a menu. The menu will have an "Edit Details" option where you can change the name previously added for the production.


Restoring a Production

To restore a deleted production during the 30 day timeframe, click on "Deleted Productions". Single click the production you wish to restore. Click "Restore Production" in the details panel.Restoring a Production


Your cloud-based control room

Now that you're familiar with the Producer Workspace dashboard, open a production [double click or open the production details]. Think of a production as your cloud-based control room. Let's get familiar with the production suite [click here to zoom in]:Production Suite-1

    1. Asset Library: This is where you will find all of your content [Graphics, Interactive, Social Displays, and Boards] that were created within your Tagboard account. After content is created then saved, it will appear in your Asset Library in Producer when refreshing the Asset Library.
      1. Note: You can click on the pin icon [top right] to unpin/pin the Asset Library. This is useful for making more room for your Playlist. When the Asset Library is unpinned, hover your mouse over the left side of your screen to bring it back at anytime.
    2. Preview Window: The Preview Window displays content in a 16:9 format so you can make sure your content looks exactly how you want it before you send it live.
    3. Live Window: The Live Window displays how your content will appear on your output in a default 16:9 window .
      1. Note: Preview and Live Windows are a default 16:9 window. If your dimensions are different, you can adjust them towards the top left of your production. Testing on your output before going live is still highly recommended.
    4. Playlist: Within this section, you will build out a rundown by dragging content from your Asset Library and dropping it into your Playlist. You can stack content in a specific order, then manually run each piece live or press live followed by play for content to automatically advance on its own.
      1. Note: Reference "Using Set It and Forget It" for the automatic cycling of content. 
    5. Layer Editor: The Layer Editor allows you to edit your content in real time. Click on any element in your playlist to reveal editing options in the Layer Editor. 


Once you have content loaded onto your Playlist, you'll see additional controls at the bottom of the Playlist. From left to right:Playlist Controls

    1. Background Color Picker: Select the background for overlay displays (ie. lower third or side slab). By default, the background will be transparent. If you are using a chroma key, you can change the background to a green screen or any custom color.
    2. Audio Controls: Mute and unmute your entire timeline.
    3. Loop Timeline: If selected while the playlist is in 'Play' mode, the playlist will automatically restart from the beginning after the final piece of content.
    4. Go Back: Go back to the previous post, without auto-playing social videos
    5. Play: Automatically advance through the content in your timeline without clicking through posts. Each piece of content has a time you can set prior to clicking play. Videos will play out entirely before advancing to the next post.
      1. Note: You can control the cycle speed for images within the Layer Editor after selecting the specific content in the Playlist. 
    6. Go Forward: Advance to the next post, without auto-playing social videos
    7. Clear Playlist: Click to clear all elements on your Playlist.
      1. Note: this will clear all content that has been updated on your timeline.

Building A Playlist

When you're ready to produce using Tagboard, you'll start by building your Playlist. Producer uses a simple drag and drop workflow to bring elements from your Asset Library to your playlist.

There are four types of content to produce within your Asset Library: Graphics, Interactive, Social Displays, and Boards. If you don't see any content within these categories yet, then head back to your Creator Workspace to get started!

Managing content in your Playlist

Adding Graphics, Interactive, and Social Displays

There are three ways to load these types of content into your Playlist from the Asset Library:

  1. Drag and drop individual items onto your playlist
  2. Click the "+" icon to the right of each individual item
  3. Check the box to the left of each individual, then select "Add to Playlist" [in the top right of the Asset Library]. Everything will be added in bulk to the bottom of the playlist in the order it was selected in.
You can also use the search bar to type out the name for content you are looking for. Push enter, then follow any of the methods above for adding the specific content to your playlist.

Removing Graphics, Interactive, and Social Displays

Removing content can be completed in one of two ways:

(1) The first method will be clicking the "Clear" button on the far right bottom of the Playlist controls [as seen in G above]. This will clear all the contents of the playlist. Any unsaved content edited within the Playlist will be lost.

(2) The second method will be using the three dots on the far right of the row of an individual piece of content. You will be able to choose "Remove" from this menu.


Adding Boards [Social Content]

In order to load social content from your Boards, you'll first need to add a Social Display to your Playlist. Once you have a Social Display in your Playlist, you will notice that the Social Display in the Playlist says "drag and drop a tagboard or posts here". Click the "Boards" category in your Asset Library to access your featured social content.

You can drag and drop an entire Board into a Social Display to have all featured social content within that Board display using a specified cycle time.

Looking to control which posts get displayed?

Click "Boards" and then a specific one, which will pop open all featured posts. From here, you can queue up your story one by one. Once social posts are in your Playlist, you can customize and reorder your Playlist by dragging and dropping individual posts at any time.


Reordering your Playlist

To reorder elements in your Playlist, click and hold the dots on the left side of an individual piece of content. Now you can drag and drop to reorder.


Connecting a Screen

See "Manage Live Display Output(s)" for a deeper walkthrough.

In short, after you've become more familiar with Producer and have a Playlist built out, you can create an output. Select the "Output(s)" button in the top right corner. Here you will be able to generate an output via URL or code, which will allow you to use Producer as a cloud-based control room to bring content live.Manage Output(s)

Producing Your Show

Now that you're familiar with Tagboard and have built out your playlist as well as connected Producer [our cloud-based production software] to your screen, you are ready to produce your show! The benefit of using Tagboard is that you are able to edit and adjust content on the fly. Notice a misspelling in the Preview or Live Window? Correct it and immediately see the change. 

Previewing Content

With content in your playlist, we recommend previewing the content that's next up. Editing for Preview Window

  1. Click the  "P" icon to the right of your content in the Playlist to send it to the Preview Window.
  2. Proofread what's displayed.
  3. If there are corrections to be made, then select the rectangle the content shows within in the Playlist. An Editor appears to the right of the Playlist for you to make changes.
    1. Note: The Editor displays different options forThemes, Panels, and Graphics. Each has their own unique use cases.
  4. Update the displayed content in the bottom right corner by selecting "Update Preview".

Sending Content to Live Display

Send content live, manually, with the "L" icon. This will send it to the Live Window [1920x1080 display window] in Producer and to your live output display. 

Need to edit content that is live? Live Window Update

  1. Select the rectangle the content shows within in the Playlist. An Editor appears to the right of the Playlist for you to make changes.
  2. After changes are made, select "Update Live" in the bottom right corner.


Read "Using Set It and Forget It" if you're looking to display content in an automated way.